Under the kitchen sink cabinets can become a hub of disorganization if left untouched. From rags and cleaning supplies to extra garbage from the garbage disposal, this mini disaster zone makes finding what you need difficult.
To effectively manage this clutter, you need to determine how best to organize under the kitchen sink. Keep the space tidy and free of items as there are pipes beneath there that could break if there’s too much accumulation here.
1. Take inventory of everything under the sink and discard any duplicates or items you no longer require or use.
2. Discard any expired items or spray caps that no longer function, as well as bottles too large to fit in the sink area.

3. Discard all expired cleaning products that you no longer use.
Organize under your kitchen sink with baskets and bins that open at the top, large enough to store all of your cleaning products together. This is especially helpful for items in various sizes like dish soap or sponges.
4. Label everything clearly so you can quickly locate it when needed.
5. Use several distinct colors and patterns to help you quickly locate items.
6. Utilize small containers and drawers for items that won’t fit in baskets or bins.
If you need to store small items under the sink, big box retailers offer miniature plastic drawer sets. These can be ideal for organizing hair ties, water bottle brushes and other hard-to-fit items in larger containers.
7. Add hooks to the inside of your cabinets or door for convenient storage of small items.
Hooks on an under the sink cabinet make it convenient to keep towels and dishcloths within reach. Adhesive hooks can also be used for hanging scrub brushes and cleaning cloths.

8. Use groupings to maximize storage space.
When it’s time to clean the kitchen or bathroom, the last thing you want is to be searching for an item. So organize your under sink area by storing all of your cleaning supplies in similar containers so that you can quickly locate what you need when the task at hand arises.
9. Create a cleaning caddy to organize all of your supplies and take them with you when you need them.
If your under the sink cabinet is already packed, consider grouping like-items together to save space. You could even organize them according to type of cleaning product so you always have the correct cleaner on hand.
10. Maximize Your Under The Sink Storage with Stack Organizers
Organizing under your sink may not be as daunting a task as some may think, but it does require some planning and consideration. Start by measuring the space underneath your sink and sketching out its layout on some blank or grid paper; this will help determine what size organizers and bins would work best in this location.